Election day is May 24, 2022

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Stormin Norman Horton Republican for State Senate

Republican State Senate district 31


Your Vote Your Voice

Your Victories

If you are looking for a regular politician that will tell you what you want to hear just to go to Montgomery and camp out so they can work hard for the big money (instead of you) then you probably don’t need to vote for Stormin Norman.

Norman has been swimming upstream all his life and started swimming against the tide in Montgomery several years ago. Why? Because he loves Alabama and he wants us to leave a great Alabama for our children and grandchildren.

Below are some of the issues (and what he’s done about them) that drove Norman to make a difference in Montgomery as a private citizen in the years prior to this election.

Which other candidates have shown you where their heart is prior to asking you to put them on your payroll?

Laws Passed

Alabama Laws now on the books as a result of Norman Horton either writing amendments, substitute bills, or the bill in its entirety. Tremendous time and effort went into working these bills in Montgomery which resulted in each being part of the 10% of bills passed in the same year they were introduced.

Act No. 2017-413 Koda’s Law: A law that enables using therapy dogs in the courts for abused children.

Act No. 2017-412: A law criminalizing harassment of therapy dogs while they are working.

Act No. 2018-182: Emily’s law: Due process proceedings for a dog accused of being dangerous.

Act No. 2019-475: Removal procedure and criminal penalties for leaving a child in a hot car.

Act No. 2019-478 : Service dog laws, in particular sections authorizing training of service dogs.

Bills that Died

Unfortunately due to covid a bill outlining the removal procedure and criminal penalties for leaving a pet in a hot car died before being passed into law due to the early closure of the 2020 session.

There were bills killed by special interests including: A bill which ensured constitutional due process instead of “guilt by accusation”, and one that held charities accountable for proper allocation of earmarked donations,

A bill that would prohibit anarchy allowed by potential sanctuary cities was not introduced due to a lack of interest by several legislators.

Bad Bills Killed

A bill which would have made it a crime to have a dog including a Siberian Husky outside when it was 44 degrees.

A bill where the state (using taxpayer money) would pay snitch fees to turn in businesses.

A bill allowing entry on private property and/or seizure of property without a warrant.

Future Issues

Please email Stormin Norman Horton storminnormanhorton@gmail.com or text him at (334) 545-NORM with issues that affect you and how you would like to see them resolved.

    • Change age of Majority to 18
    • Protection for rest area workers
    • Stiffer penalties for election fraud
    • Limit ADA lawyer witch hunts
    • Fair retirement system for teachers
    • Retirement for EMS & Volunteer Fire Departments
    • Baker Act
    • Full-Service Forensic Lab in the Wiregrass.
    • Enhanced Ethical standards for lobbyists.

    Here is some of what you have asked for:

    • Parents Bill of Rights
    • Old Fashioned Readin Rightin Rithmatic
    • Dynamic teacher evaluations
    • School Choice including home schooling
    • Term Limits
    • Eliminate Grocery Tax on healthy foods
    • Long Term Mental Health Facility
    • Repeal of the Elderly taxes and fair application and disbursement of fuel taxes voted in by my opponent(s).
    • No Common Core in any form or version
    • Trade School opportunities for those who want to work with their hands

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